Bulalo vs. Nilaga: What’s The Difference?

What is the difference between bulalo and nilaga

When talking to your filipino friends about the famous filipino beef broth, they might call it nilaga, whereas others may call it bulalo. So is bulalo and nilaga the same? What’s the difference?

“Bulalo” is bone marrow in english, whereas “nilaga” is stew or broth in english. In essence, bulalo can be cooked as nilaga, and nilaga can be made using bone marrow. The terms can be mutually inclusive, but are not exactly the same.

Still got questions? Read on as I elaborate on the difference between Nilaga and Bulalo.

Bulalo Vs Nilaga

In the Philippines, the term bulalo and nilaga are sometimes used interchangeably, but technically they are not exactly the same. Bulalo can be cooked as nilaga, and nilaga can be made with bone marrow or any other types of meat.

For this article, I asked my mom again to help clarify what bulalo is vs nilaga and what the difference is, and she summed it up best:

Bulalo is the ingredient. Nilaga is the dish.

Mrs. Mariano (Aka. Mom) – veteran filipino cook

Bulalo and nilaga are both classic Filipino dishes that are typically made with beef. However, bulalo is specifically made with bone marrow, while nilaga can be made with any type of meat. Both dishes are simmered in water until the meat is tender, but bulalo is usually cooked for a longer period of time to extract all the flavor from the bones. As a result, bulalo tends to have a more intense flavor than nilaga.

Ultimately, both dishes are delicious in their own right, and it simply comes down to preferences as to which one you prefer.


Bulalo is the bone marrow, and is the part of the beef that is rich in collagen. In English, bulalo is known as bone marrow soup.

Bone marrow, or “bulalo” can be cooked many different ways:

  • nilaga (or as beef broth/stew)
  • grilled
  • pan fried

Bulalo is best cooked nilaga style because the bone marrow adds a rich flavor to the soup. The soup is also healthy because it contains nutrients from the beef and vegetables. Bulalo nilaga is a hearty soup that is perfect for a cold winter day or any day when you need a little comfort food.


Nilaga is a traditional Filipino dish that typically consists of meat or seafood cooked in a broth. The word nilaga comes from the Filipino word nilagang, which means to boil. Nilaga is typically made with meat, but the meat used can differ. Some of the types of meat that can be used in nilaga includes:

  • beef
  • pork
  • chicken

Nilaga is often cooked with vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and cabbage. The dish is hearty and filling, making it a popular choice for both family meals and large gatherings.

Nilaga is usually prepared by boiling the meat or seafood in water until tender. The broth is then seasoned with salt, pepper, and other spices to taste. Nilaga can be served plain or with rice. It is also commonly paired with savory condiments such as soy sauce or fish sauce.

By the way, I wrote an article on how long you have to boil beef shank to make beef nilaga here.

Why Is Nilaga And Bulalo Often Confused?

In the Philippines, nilaga and bulalo are often confused because they can both be used to refer to beef stew. Nilaga is usually cooked with either beef, pork or chicken, while bulalo is a broth made specifically from bone marrow. However, the term nilaga can also be used to refer to bulalo, and vice versa. The confusion arises because both terms are not exclusive to each other. For example, you can cook nilaga with chicken or pork, and you can make bulalo as nilaga or as a pan-fried dish. So whether you call it nilaga or bulalo, the important thing is that you enjoy your delicious stew!

What is the difference between bulalo and nilaga

Where Is Bulalo Nilaga From?

Bulalo nilaga is from the Southern Luzon region. The exact origin of bulalo is up for debate, as many sources say it is from Batanggas whereas some say it is from Tagaytay.

No matter which city this dish came from, one this is for sure: bulalo is a hearty and filling dish that is perfect for a cold winter day. Whether you are from the Philippines or not, you are sure to enjoy this delicious soup!

If you’re curious about the origin of nilaga, check out this post where I did a deep dive on its history.

Is Bulalo Soup Healthy?

Bulalo soup is healthy in moderation because it is made with bone marrow, which is a good source of collagen and glucosamine.

According to WebMD, Bone marrow is a good source of collagen and glucosamine, which helps against osteoarthritis, relieves joint pain, and reduces inflammation in the joints.

So if you’re looking for a delicious and healthy soup, try this popular Filipino dish made of beef bone marrow, onion, garlic, potatoes and leafy greens.

Curious as to how long nilaga lasts in the fridge? Read this post to find out.

Why Do People Love Eating Bulalo?

Bulalo is a very popular dish in the Philippines that is enjoyed by Filipinos both in the Philippines and abroad. The dish is often referred to as a comfort food because of its rich and flavorful broth. The dish is also fairly easy to make, which makes it a great option for busy families.

Bulalo is also a great choice for cold weathers or when you have a cold. The dish is hearty and filling, and the warm broth can help to soothe your throat. Many Filipinos who have grown up abroad still crave bulalo because it reminds them of home. Whether you’re looking for a nostalgic meal or simply want something delicious and comforting, bulalo is a great option.

Bulalo Vs Nilaga Common Misconceptions:

Bulalo Has Corn, Nilaga Has Potatoes

There are a few common misconceptions about bulalo and nilaga, two of the most popular soup dishes in Philippine cuisine. One misconception is that bulalo always has corn, while nilaga always has potatoes. In reality, the vegetable you add to either bulalo or nilaga is completely dependent on your personal preference.

Some of the vegetables that are typically added in both dishes include: corn, potatoes, cabbage, bok choy, plantain.

Bulalo Is Always Made With Beef, Nilaga Is Always Pork

Another misconception is that bulalo is always made with beef, while nilaga is always made with pork. Again, this is not the case: bulalo is the bone marrow, so by default is part of the beef, however nilaga can be made with either beef or pork (or even chicken), it all depends on what you prefer.

So next time you’re in the mood for a delicious bowl of bulalo or nilaga, don’t be afraid to experiment with different ingredients – you might just discover your new favorite way to enjoy these classic soup dishes.

Bulalo Is Served With Fish Sauce, Nilaga Is Not

Many people believe that bulalo is always served with fish sauce, while nilaga is not. In reality, you can serve both bulalo and nilaga with fish sauce. It’s really up to you if you like to eat your meals with dipping sauce on the side.

Bulalo Is More Fattening Than Nilaga

Another misconception is that bulalo is a more fattening dish than nilaga. While bulalo does contain more fat than nilaga, both dishes are relatively healthy when eaten in moderation.

Nicky Mariano

As a millennial living in the Pacific Northwest, Nicky knows that a lot of the knowledge about cooking and preparing Filipino foods are lost to the new generation living abroad. When she moved out of her parents home, it surprised her to realize that she really didn’t know much about how to cook the beloved Filipino dishes she grew up eating and craving. That’s why she created this website, as a way to answer basic questions about Filipino dishes, ingredients, and yes, provide easy recipes too.

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