Can You Put Eggplant In Omelette?

reheat tortang talong

Eggplant is a popular vegetable that’s technically a fruit. It is popular amongst many cultures because it’s healthy and has a slightly sweet, creamy taste when cooked. But some people might wonder, can you put eggplant in an omelette?

Eggplant can be used as a filling for omelettes. In fact, it is common to make ‘eggplant omelette’ or ‘tortang talong’ in the Filipino culture. Eggplant is also used as a filling for ‘poqui poqui’, another variation of an eggplant omelette in the Ilocos region in the Philippines.

Curious for more? Keep reading.

Can You Put Eggplant In Omelette?

Eggplant is a versatile vegetable that can be used in a variety of dishes, including omelettes. While some people shy away from adding eggplant to their omelettes, there is no need to be afraid of this delicious and nutritious ingredient. Eggplant has a mild flavor that will not overpower the other flavors in your omelette, and it provides a satisfying crunch. In addition, eggplant is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including potassium and fiber. So go ahead and experiment with adding eggplant to your next omelette! You may just find that it is your new favorite way to enjoy this classic breakfast dish.

Dishes that use eggplant and eggs

Eggplant and eggs are two ingredients that can be used in a variety of dishes. Eggplant can be cooked in many different ways, such as grilling, baking, or frying. It is often used as a meat alternative in vegetarian dishes. Eggs can be cooked in a variety of ways as well, such as scrambled, poached, or hard-boiled. They are a common ingredient in breakfast dishes, but can also be used in main courses and desserts. When combining these two ingredients, there are endless possibilities for delicious meals. For example, eggplant parmesan is a classic dish that uses both eggplant and eggs. Another option is an omelette with eggplant and tomato. Or, for a lighter meal, try making a frittata with eggplant and zucchini. No matter how it is prepared, a dish with eggplant and eggs is sure to be flavorful and satisfying.

Tortang Talong

eggplant and eggs are a classic combination that can be found in dishes from all over the world. In the Philippines, one popular dish is tortang talong, which is made by grilling eggplant and then dipping it in beaten eggs before frying it. The result is a crispy and flavorful dish that can be served as a side or main course.

Poqui Poqui

Poqui poqui is a traditional dish from the Philippines that uses eggplant and eggs as its key ingredients. The dish is typically made by mashing together cooked eggplant and eggs, then frying the mixture in oil. This creates a delicious and hearty dish that is perfect for a hearty meal. Poqui poqui can be served with rice or bread, and it is often garnished with green onions or tomatoes. For a truly authentic experience, be sure to try this dish the next time you visit the Philippines!

Eggplant Fritata

Eggplant and eggs are a classic combination that can be used in a variety of dishes. One popular option is an eggplant frittata. To make this dish, start by slicing the eggplant into thin rounds. Then, sauté the eggplant in olive oil until it is soft. Next, whisk together some eggs and pour them over the eggplant. Finally, bake the frittata until it is set and golden brown. For a twist on this classic dish, you can try adding in other vegetables like tomatoes or spinach. No matter how you prepare it, an eggplant frittata is sure to be a hit at your next meal.

Other Popular fillings for omelettes

Omelettes are popular because you can use just about anything you have in the fridge as a filling for this delicious dish. Here I will list out some popular fillings or omelettes.


Ham is a popular filling for omelettes, as it is flavorful and satisfying. It can be cooked in many different ways, such as grilled, baked, or fried. Ham is a great choice for an omelette because it is not too greasy and it provides a lot of flavor. In addition, ham is a good source of protein and vitamin B6. If you are looking for a quick and easy breakfast dish that will satisfy your hunger, then consider making an omelette with ham.


When it comes to omelette fillings, bacon is a crowd favorite. This salty and crispy meat is the perfect addition to any omelette. It provides a satisfying crunch and a rich flavor that will satisfy your cravings. Plus, bacon is a good source of protein, which will help keep you feeling full throughout the day. So if you’re looking for a delicious and filling omelette filling, be sure to add bacon to the list!


Onion is a popular filling for omelettes because it is flavorful and versatile. It can be sautéed or chopped and added to the eggs before they are cooked. This adds a savory flavor to the omelette and helps to add some bulk and texture. Onion is also a good source of fiber and vitamins, making it a healthy choice for your breakfast meal.


Tomato is a popular filling for omelettes. It is a versatile vegetable that can be used in many different dishes. When cooked, tomato has a sweet and tangy flavor that pairs well with eggs. In addition, tomato is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including potassium and vitamin C. For a delicious and nutritious omelette, try adding tomato as one of your favorite fillings.


Spinach is a great filling for omelettes because it is high in nutrients and has a mild flavor that will not overpower the other flavors in your omelette. In addition, spinach is low in calories and high in fiber, making it a healthy option for breakfast. If you are looking for a nutritious and delicious way to start your day, be sure to try adding spinach to your next omelette!


Mushrooms make a delicious filling for omelettes. They are rich in flavor and have a hearty texture that pairs well with eggs. Plus, they are a good source of vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritious option for breakfast. For the best flavor, use a mix of mushrooms such as shiitake, oyster, and crimini. Slice the mushrooms thinly so that they cook evenly. If you are including other vegetables in your omelette, add the mushrooms first so that they have a chance to cook before the other ingredients are added. Once the mushrooms are cooked, add your favorite fillings such as cheese, ham, or herbs. Then fold the omelette over and serve hot. Delicious!

Green Pepper

Adding green pepper to your omelette is a great way to increase the nutritional value of your breakfast. Green pepper is a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. It has a mild flavor that will not overpower the other ingredients in your omelette, and it provides a satisfying crunch. So next time you make an omelette, be sure to add some chopped green pepper for a nutritious and delicious breakfast.

Nicky Mariano

As a millennial living in the Pacific Northwest, Nicky knows that a lot of the knowledge about cooking and preparing Filipino foods are lost to the new generation living abroad. When she moved out of her parents home, it surprised her to realize that she really didn’t know much about how to cook the beloved Filipino dishes she grew up eating and craving. That’s why she created this website, as a way to answer basic questions about Filipino dishes, ingredients, and yes, provide easy recipes too.

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