Dinengdeng Vs Inabraw: What is the Difference?


Dinengdeng and Inabraw are both beloved vegetable soup dishes in the Philippines. But even Filipinos wonder what the difference is between these two dishes. In this article, we will discuss the similarities and differences of dinengdeng and inabraw.

As a general rule, dinengdeng and inabraw are technically the same dish. Dinengdeng and inabraw are both from Ilocos region and uses local vegetables as well as fish paste to season.

Let’s take a closer look. Below you will see a table showcasing the different properties of dinengdeng and inabraw.

Name of Filipino FoodDinengdengInabraw
VegetablesLocal vegetables, usually saluyotLocal vegetables, usually saluyot
MeatFried FishFried Fish
Method of CookingBoilBoil
SeasoningFish paste/Fish sauceFish paste/Fish sauce
Difference and similarities between dinengdeng and inabraw

Vegetables Used

The first thing we will look at is the vegetables used in making all these dishes.


Dinengdeng is a Philippine dish that typically features vegetables such as saluyot, eggplant, and bamboo shoots. The vegetables are cooked in water until they are tender, then seasoned with fish sauce to taste. Other vegetables that are commonly used are bitter melon, squash, winged beans and moringa fruit.


Inabraw is a Filipino dish that typically consists of vegetables and fried fish. The most common vegetables used in inabraw are saluyot, ampalaya, okra, and tomatoes. However, other vegetables may also be used, depending on what is available. Saluyot is a leafy vegetable that is rich in vitamins and minerals. It has a mild, slightly sweet taste that goes well with the other flavors in inabraw. Ampalaya is a bitter vegetable that adds a unique flavor to the dish. Okra is a sappy vegetable that gives the broth a slightly slimy texture. Tomatoes add a touch of acidity and sweetness. Together, these ingredients create a delicious and nutritious meal.

Bottom Line:

Both dishes mentioned above use vegetables that are local to the Philippines but are harder to find in countries outside of Southeast Asia. Both dishes use local Filipino vegetables such as saluyot, eggplant or okra. Leafy vegetables and ‘fruit’ vegetables such as eggplant and squash can both be used in dinengdeng and inabraw.

Meat used

Next we will look at the meat used in each of these Filipino dishes.


Dinengdeng is a popular Filipino dish that typically features vegetables and meat cooked in a light broth. While a variety of meats can be used in dinengdeng, fish is the most common ingredient. This is likely due to the fact that fish is widely available in the northern part of Luzon and provides a healthy source of protein. The most common type of fish used in dinengdeng is bangus, which is a type of milkfish. Other popular choices include tilapia and galunggong. Each type of fish has its own unique flavor and texture, making it an ideal choice for dinengdeng. In addition to being delicious, fish is also a healthy option for those looking to add more protein to their diet.


There are many reasons why fish is often used in inabraw. For one, fish is a very versatile ingredient and can be used in a variety of dishes. Additionally, fish is packed with nutrients and provides a healthy source of protein. Bangus, tilapia, and galunggong are all common types of fish used in inabraw. Each type of fish has its own unique flavor and texture that can enhance the overall taste of the dish. In addition, each fish provides a different set of nutrients that can benefit the body in different ways. For example, bangus is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to promote heart health. Tilapia is also rich in vitamins and minerals, making it a good option for those who want to get the most out of their meal. Galunggong is another popular choice for inabraw because it is low in calories and fat but high in protein. No matter which type of fish you use, incorporating it into your inabraw will help you create a healthier and more delicious meal.

Bottom Line:

The meat used in dinengdeng and inabraw are the same: both dishes use the fried fish as the meat ‘sahog’.

Method of Cooking

Here are the different methods of cooking for these dishes.


The dinengdeng method of cooking is a simple way to quickly boil vegetables. The first step is to wash the vegetables thoroughly. Next, the vegetables are placed in a pot of boiling water and fish paste and cooked for a few minutes until they are tender. Finally, the cooked vegetables create a savoury soup that is then seasoned with fish sauce to taste. The main advantage of this cooking method is that it is quick and easy to do. It also retains the nutrients in the vegetables better than other methods of cooking such as frying or steaming. As a result, the dinengdeng method of cooking is a healthy and delicious way to prepare vegetables.


Inabraw is a type of Filipino cooking that involves boiling. Inabraw can be made with a variety of different ingredients, but the most common include fish and vegetables. When making inabraw, it is important to use fresh ingredients and to boil the vegetables over low heat. This will ensure that the food is cooked evenly and that all of the flavors are properly blended. Inabraw is typically served with white rice, but it can also be enjoyed on its own as a soup or side dish.

Bottom Line:

Both dishes above use boiling as the main method of cooking. In this category, both dishes are equal.

By the way, if you are interested to know about the difference between dinengdeng and laswa, read this article.

Seasoning used

Now for the seasoning used! Let’s see what seasoning is used for each of these Filipino dishes.


Dinengdeng is usually seasoned with fish paste. Fish paste is a common ingredient in many Southeast Asian cuisines. It is made by grinding up fish, mixed with salt and sometimes other seasonings, and then formed into a thick paste. Fish sauce, on the other hand, is made by fermenting fish in salt and water for several months. Both fish paste and fish sauce are used as seasoning in various dishes.


Inabraw is a Filipino dish that’s seasoned with fish paste or fish sauce. Fish paste is a thick, smooth paste made from grinding up the entire fish, including the bones and guts. It is then fermented for several months to allow the flavors to develop. Fish sauce, on the other hand, is made by fermenting only the fish guts and bones.

Bottom Line:

For both dinengdeng and inabraw, either fish paste or fish sauce is used to season the dish.

By the way, if you are interested to know about the difference between dinengdeng and bulanglang, read this article.



Dinengdeng is a dish from the Ilocos Region of the Philippines. The Ilocos Region is located in the northwest of the Philippines and is made up of four provinces: Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union, and Pangasinan. The region is renowned for its stunning beaches, picturesque landscapes, and rich cultural heritage. One of the most popular dishes from the Ilocos Region is dinengdeng. This dish is typically made with a variety of vegetables, such as eggplant, okra, squash, and string beans. It is often cooked in a clay pot over an open fire and flavored with fish sauce, vinegar, and garlic. Dinengdeng is a delicious and healthy way to enjoy the bounty of the Ilocos Region.


Inabraw is a popular dish in the Ilocos Region of the Philippines. The region is located in the northwest of the country, and is known for its abundant agriculture. Vegetables like eggplant, String beans, squash, and okra are common ingredients in Inabraw. The dish is usually cooked with fish, and is often served with rice. Inabraw is a simple dish that can be easily cooked at home, making it a popular choice for busy families. The dish is also healthy and flavorful, making it a favorite among locals and tourists alike.

Bottom Line:

It’s interesting to see that dinengdeng and inabraw are both from the same region. So, since both dishes are virtually identical in all aspects, how come some people call this dish inabraw, and some people call it dinengdeng?

While trying to do research on the differences between these two dishes, I resorted to asking some of my Ilocano friends and their parents what the difference and similarities are between these two dishes, and why some people call it inabraw and some people say dinengdeng.

Their answers give a little bit of clarity to this mystery. The truth is, dinengdeng and inabraw can be used interchangably to describe the same dish from the Ilocos region. Some of the people I asked said that the difference in name comes from the subregion that the person comes from, although I have no way of vetting if this is true or not.

So there you have it folks, although calling the dish both dinengdeng and inabraw might confuse some people, the truth is that they are one and the same dish. So, my question to you is, do you know what the difference is between inabraw and dinengdeng? Leave a comment below!

Curious about the different vegetable soups from the Philippines? Read this article to know more.

Nicky Mariano

As a millennial living in the Pacific Northwest, Nicky knows that a lot of the knowledge about cooking and preparing Filipino foods are lost to the new generation living abroad. When she moved out of her parents home, it surprised her to realize that she really didn’t know much about how to cook the beloved Filipino dishes she grew up eating and craving. That’s why she created this website, as a way to answer basic questions about Filipino dishes, ingredients, and yes, provide easy recipes too.

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