Dinengdeng vs. Pinakbet: What’s The Difference?


Go to any Ilocano party and you will find one of two popular Ilocano dishes: dinengdeng or pinakbet. If you’re lucky, you’ll find both. But what’s the difference between the two?

Dinengdeng and pinakbet are both vegetable based filipino dishes. Dinengdeng is a soup dish made with saluyot and okra, while pinakbet is a stew with a creamier consistency and is made with eggplant and squash. Both are equally popular amongst Ilocanos and Filipinos from other regions.

Want more details? Keep reading below!

Dinengdeng vs Pinakbet

When it comes to Filipino food, specifically Ilocano food, there are two classic dishes that often come to mind: dinengdeng and pinakbet. Both are delicious, but they also have some key differences. Dinengdeng is a soup dish that typically features green vegetables like okra and amaranth. Pinakbet, on the other hand, is more of a stew, and usually includes ingredients like eggplant and squash. Both dishes are usually flavored with shrimp paste, but dinengdeng also often has fish added to it. When it comes to deciding between the two, it really depends on what you’re in the mood for. If you’re looking for something light and refreshing, dinengdeng is a great option. But if you want something heartier and more filling, pinakbet is definitely the way to go. Whichever you choose, you’re sure to enjoy a delicious taste of Filipino cuisine.

Which is better?

It’s hard to say exactly which of the two is better. It all depends on your personal palate. Personally, for me there is no competition between the two. Apart from both being exceptionally vegetable heavy filipino dishes, there are no other similarities. Dinengdeng has a soupy consistency, while pinakbet is more creamy thanks to the squash. When I crave dinengdeng, I do not crave pinakbet. That is to say, a craving for dinengdeng will not be satisfied by eating pinakbet and vice versa.

Which is more popular?

Pinakbet is more popular than dinengdeng. If I were being objective, I would say that pinakbet is more popular than dinengdeng. From attending countless filipino parties over the years, I can say from personal experience that there is usually some form of pinakbet in the dishes available at a potluck or party. Dinengdeng on the other hand is a dish I only ever tend to eat when my mom is cooking it.

Many popular filipino restaurants will also have a variation of pinakbet in their menu, whereas dinengdeng seems to only be available in certain mom and pop filipino restuarants that are specifically owned by Ilocanos.

What is Dinengdeng

Dinengdeng is a Filipino vegetable dish. It is usually made with different kinds of vegetables such as eggplant, okra, squash, and beans. The vegetables are simmered in water which makes for a delicious vegetable soup. Most of the time it is cooked with fish, and occasionally, the dish is made without any type of meat. The dish is often served with grilled fish or meats. Dinengdeng is a popular dish in the Philippines, and it is often cooked for special occasions and celebrations. The dish is simple to make, and it is a delicious way to enjoy a variety of healthy vegetables.

Ingredients of Dinengdeng

Dinengdeng is a popular dish from the Philippines that is typically made with vegetables and fish. The vegetables are cooked in a broth of vinegar, water, and spices until they are tender, and then the fish is added and cooked until it is flaky. While there are many different variations of dinengdeng, some common ingredients include eggplant, okra, squash, tomatoes, and green beans. The dish can be served either hot or cold, and is often garnished with green onions, chili peppers, and lime. Whether you’re looking for a hearty soup or a light meal, dinengdeng is a delicious option that is sure to please.

What is saluyot anyway? Click here to know more about this underrated vegetable.

Origin of Dinengdeng

Dinengdeng is a popular dish from the Ilocos Region of the Philippines. Dinengdeng is traditionally made with fish and vegetables. The truth is, the exact origin of dinengdeng is unknown. It has been part of the ilocano culture (northern part of the Philippines) since time immemorial. Although the exact origin is unknown, one thing is for sure, the ilocano dinengdeng runs deep through the ilocano blood. My parents continue to cook it, even now that we are miles and oceans away from the Philippines.

What is pinakbet

Pinakbet is a Filipino vegetable dish made with a variety of vegetables and sometimes meat. The most common vegetables used in pinakbet are eggplant, squash, tomatoes, okra, and sea beans. This dish is typically cooked in a clay pot over an open fire. While it is traditionally made with pork, chicken, or shrimp, it can also be made vegetarian by using tofu instead. Pinakbet is usually served with rice and is a popular dish in the Philippines.

Ingredients of Pinakbet

Pinakbet is a popular Filipino dish that typically includes eggplant, bitter melon, okra, and tomatoes. These vegetables are cooked in a light sauce made of fish or shrimp paste, garlic, onions, and ginger. Sometimes, other ingredients such as pork or beef are added to the dish. Pinakbet is usually served with rice and is often eaten as a main meal. The dish gets its name from the Ilokano word “pakbet,” which means “shrunk” or “shriveled.” This refers to the fact that the vegetables are cooked until they are soft and shrunken in size. Pinakbet is a nutritious and flavorful dish that is cherished by many Filipinos.

Origin of Pinakbet

Pinakbet is a popular Filipino dish that typically contains a mix of vegetables, such as eggplant, okra, and bitter melon. Pinakbet is also sometimes called “pork and vegetables,” as pork is often added to the dish. There are many different theories about the origins of pinakbet, but it is generally believed to have originated in the Ilocano region of the Philippines. Up to this day, the pinakbet is a true reflection of the palate of Ilocanos. The mixture of sweet, salty flavours and the fish paste used is a reflection of this culture of people who historically have lived close to the sea.

By the way, if you are looking for healthy filipino food options, this post has a list of some tasty filipino foods that are also healthy.

Nicky Mariano

As a millennial living in the Pacific Northwest, Nicky knows that a lot of the knowledge about cooking and preparing Filipino foods are lost to the new generation living abroad. When she moved out of her parents home, it surprised her to realize that she really didn’t know much about how to cook the beloved Filipino dishes she grew up eating and craving. That’s why she created this website, as a way to answer basic questions about Filipino dishes, ingredients, and yes, provide easy recipes too.

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