Pinakbet: The History of This Famous Filipino Food


Pinakbet is a well-loved dish in the Philippines, however, few people know exactly where it originated. In this article we will talk about the origin of this delicious filipino food staple.

Pinakbet originated in the Ilocos region in the Philippines, in the northern region of Luzon. Pinakbet is a vegetable dish made of a variety of vegetables and seasoned with fish paste. Over time, this dish has become popular all over the country, with many varieties across many regions.

Curious for more? Keep reading to find out more about this popular dish.

Where did Pinakbet originate?

Pinakbet is a popular dish from the northern part of the Philippines, the Ilocos region. This dish typically includes vegetables like eggplant, squash, and bitter melon. The vegetables are cooked in a savory sauce called bagoong (shrimp or fish paste), garlic, and ginger. Pinakbet is often made with pork, and it is often served over steamed rice.

While it may not be the most glamorous dish, pinakbet is packed with flavor and nutrients. And, best of all, it is relatively easy to make at home. Because of its savory-sweet flavor, as well as how easy it is to cook, it has become a staple food to make in many Filipino households.

Origin of Pinakbet

Pinakbet is from Ilocos and is a popular dish amongst Ilocanos. Ilocos is in the northern region of the Philippines, where the Ilocanos and their culture originated from. The Ilocano culture, a subset of the Filipino culture, complete with its own food, traditions and language is one of the most prominent in the Luzon area of the Philippines. The name of the dish, pinakbet, originated from the original name: pakbet, which has a distinct ingredient: bitter melon. Today, the names pinakbet and pakbet are used synonymously.

Pinakbet has become one of the most popular vegetable dish in the Philippines and has many variations even up to the southernmost part of the country. Understandably the pinakbet dish varies from region to region, as it has been assimilated in different cultures within the Philippines.

One interesting thing to note about Pinakbet is that it was not spread throughout the country of the Philippines because of migration, but rather, the spread across the country was gradual: the Kapampangans found out about the pinakbet and added their own twist to it, and then it was introduced to the Tagalogs, and so on, until the dish reached Mindanao.

Pakbet did not travel all over the archipelago as a dish that was introduced by the movement of migrants.”

Following the pakbet trail – Paradigm for internal cultural borrowing

The History of Pinakbet

Pinakbet is one of the Filipino dishes that has a very interesting story. The way it made its way from the very northern part of the country to the southernmost part of the Philippines shows how this dish has been adapted to fit into each region’s culture. Without further ado, let’s talk about the variations of the Filipino Pinakbet.

Ilocano Pinakbet

Ilocano Pinakbet is a popular dish in the Ilocos region that is made by boiling vegetables in a little bit of water and seasoning them with “bagoong monamon” (fish paste) diluted in water. The dish is typically served with rice and is considered to be a healthy and hearty meal. The most common vegetables used in Ilocano Pinakbet are bitter melon, eggplant, string beans, and tomatoes.

Curious about the difference between dinengdeng & pinakbet? Read this post to find out the difference.

Kapampangan Pinakbet

It’s always interesting to see how food changes as it moves from one region to another. Take pinakbet, for example. This dish originates from the Ilocano region of the Philippines, where it is typically made by boiling a mix of vegetables in water. But when it arrived in Kapampangan kitchens, things started to change. The vegetables are sautéed instead of boiled, and other ingredients such as squash and string beans are added to the mix. As a result, kapampangan pinakbet has a completely different flavor from its ilocano counterpart. But despite the changes, it remains a delicious and popular dish.

Visayan Pinakbet

It’s amazing how much things can change in just a few hundred years. Take, for example, the dish known as pinakbet. This traditional Ilocano dish has undergone quite a transformation since it was first introduced to the Visayas region centuries ago. The most notable change is the addition of coconut milk, which gives the dish a richer flavor and a yellow color. Squash is another common ingredient in Visayan pinakbet, which imparts a sweet flavor to the dish. While the ingredients may have changed, pinakbet remains a tasty and popular dish in both regions of the Philippines.

Cebuano Pinakbet

Ilocano Pinakbet is a dish that originated from the northern region of the Philippines. The dish is typically made with a variety of vegetables, such as eggplant, bitter melon, okra, and tomatoes. However, over time the dish has undergone some changes, particularly in the region of Cebu. In Cebu, the dish is often made without coconut milk or squash. In addition, chili pepper is often added to give the dish a bit of spice. As a result, Cebuano Pinakbet has a somewhat different flavor than its Ilocano counterpart. Nevertheless, it remains a popular and delicious dish in both regions of the Philippines.

Mindanao Pinakbet

Pinakbet is a popular Filipino dish that originally hails from the Ilocos region of the country. The dish is typically made with a mix of vegetables, including bitter melon, eggplant, and squash, which are sauteed in garlic and fish paste. In Mindanao, however, the dish has been adapted to include a variety of additional ingredients, such as ginger, chili peppers, and even sea shells. The dish is also usually boiled instead of being sauteed, which helps to bring out the natural flavors of the vegetables. Regardless of how it is prepared, pinakbet is a delicious and healthy way to enjoy the bounty of the Philippines’ many gardens.

Final Thoughts

Pinakbet is a popular Filipino dish that can be found in various forms throughout the country. The dish originated from the Ilocos region of the Philippines, but it has since been adapted to fit the tastes of different regions. In the Ilocos region, pinakbet is made by boiling vegetables in water and seasoning them with fish paste. In the Pampanga region, it is sautéed. But in other parts of the country, such as Cebu and Mindanao, the dish includes additional ingredients and is boiled instead of being sauteed. Regardless of how it is prepared, pinakbet is a delicious and healthy way to enjoy Filipino cuisine.

Why pinakbet is important as a Filipino heritage?

Pinakbet is an important part of Filipino heritage for a number of reasons. First, it is a dish that is indigenous to the Philippines, specifically, of the Ilocano people, meaning it is a food that has been passed down through generations of Filipinos.

Second, it is a dish that is representative of the country’s diverse culture and cuisine. In many cultures in the Philippines, a variation of the Pinakbet can be found, with the variation stemming from ingredients or a method of cooking that’s already well-known or used in that specific culture.

For example, in the Ilocano culture, where the pinakbet dish originated, the true, authentic pinakbet dish is made by boiling all the ingredients together and then adding fish paste to add flavor. In the Kapampangan culture, pinakbet is made by sauteeing the ingredients together. In the Tagalog pakbet, tamarind was added to the dish. In the Visayas, coconut is added to give it a creamy texture.

In all parts of the Philippines where a variation of Pinakbet exists, we can see that the pinakbet is adapted to assimilate in the already existing culture of the region.

What is the English of pinakbet?

Pinakbet is a popular Filipino dish made with vegetables. The name pinakbet originated from the Ilocano word pakbet, which is a way of boiling vegetables together and seasoning it with fish paste. The name pinakbet means to cook in a similar way as pakbet, and it is an apt way of naming this dish, as over time, the dish has evolved into different methods of cooking and has also evolved to include ingredients that were not originally used in the original pakbet dish.

Is Pinakbet healthy

So now that we know the history of pinakbet and how it became a staple dish in many Filipino homes no matter which region they are from, it is time to answer one final question: Is Pinakbet healthy?

Pinakbet is a popular Filipino dish that is not only delicious, but also healthy. The dish is made with a variety of vegetables, including eggplant, squash, and bitter melon. These vegetables are all low in calories and fat, and they are a good source of dietary fiber.

In addition, pinakbet is often cooked with fish or shrimp, which are both lean sources of protein. As a result, pinakbet is an excellent choice for those who are looking to lower their cholesterol or lose weight. Best of all, the dish can be easily made at home using ingredients that are readily available at most grocery stores.

This dish originated in the Ilocos region, which is known for its abundance of fresh produce, which likely served as the inspiration for the dish. Pinakbet is typically cooked in a clay pot, which helps to infuse the flavors of the ingredients. The dish is often served with rice and is a favorite among both locals and tourists.

Pinakbet is a mix of vegetables, typically including bitter melon, eggplant, squash, and tomatoes, which are all cooked together in fish or shrimp paste. This combination of flavors and textures makes pinakbet a truly unique and memorable dish. Pinakbet is a hearty and nutritious meal that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is also interesting to note that no matter which region you take inspiration from when you cook your pinakbet, you will surely have a healthy meal because the dish naturally calls for a variety of vegetables that have a wide range of vitamins and minerals.

What makes pinakbet unique

There are many reasons why pinakbet is such a unique and popular dish. For one, it is incredibly versatile and can be made with a variety of different vegetables. In addition, the dish is often cooked with shrimp or other seafood, giving it a distinctive flavor. The combination of salty, sweet, and sour elements also makes pinakbet truly unique. Finally, the dish is traditionally served with rice, making it a complete meal in itself.

Pinakbet is a unique Filipino dish that is enjoyed by many. The dish is made with a variety of vegetables, including squash, which gives it a creamy texture. The use of shrimp sauce also adds a salty sweet flavor to the dish. The assortment of vegetables used in pinakbet make it both colorful and healthy. Additionally, the many flavors present in pinakbet, including bitter, sweet, salty, and sour, make it a truly unique dish. Whether you’re looking for a hearty meal or a light snack, pinakbet is sure to please.

Want to know more about Ilocano food? Read this post about Ilocano cuisine.

Most Popular way of cooking pinakbet

As I have previously mentioned, there are a lot of different ways that people all over the Philippines cook pinakbet. But through mainstream culture, there is definitely one specific way of cooking pinakbet that is most popular in the Philippines and even in places outside the country.

The type of pinakbet that is most popular than all of the other variations is sautéed or stir fried instead of boiled. The vegetables used as the main ingredients are: bitter melon, squash, eggplant and string beans. It is given flavor by adding shrim paste sautéed in sugar, or ginisang bagoong alamang. Fried pork belly is also added to add some protein to the dish. This is then served over a steaming bowl of rice.

Isn’t it so peculiar that the dish I just described above resembles the kapampangan way of cooking the pinakbet dish instead of the ilocano way, where the dish originated from?

Source: Following the pakbet trail – Paradigm for internal cultural borrowing

Nicky Mariano

As a millennial living in the Pacific Northwest, Nicky knows that a lot of the knowledge about cooking and preparing Filipino foods are lost to the new generation living abroad. When she moved out of her parents home, it surprised her to realize that she really didn’t know much about how to cook the beloved Filipino dishes she grew up eating and craving. That’s why she created this website, as a way to answer basic questions about Filipino dishes, ingredients, and yes, provide easy recipes too.

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