Sinigang: How Long It Lasts In Room Temperature, The Fridge and Freezer

storing sinigang

Have you ever made a huge pot of sinigang to get ready for the next day, leave it out to cool down, and then forget to put it in the fridge overnight? I have! This experience made me wonder, how long does sinigang last in room temperature? How about in the fridge and in the freezer?

As a general rule, sinigang can be kept in room temperature for up to 4 hours. It can last up to two days in the refrigerator, or up to two months in the freezer.

But as always, there are nuances and anecdotal evidence that makes the answer a little less straight forward. Curious? Read on to find out more.

How long does sinigang last in room temperature?

Sinigang is a delicious Filipino soup that is typically made with pork or fish. The key ingredient in sinigang is tamarind, which gives the soup its unique sour flavor. While sinigang is typically eaten hot, it can also be consumed at room temperature. However, it is important to note that officially, heath authorities suggest that sinigang will only last for a few hours at room temperature before it begins to spoil. This is due to the fact that tamarind is a highly perishable fruit. As a result, it is best to consume sinigang within a few hours of it being cooked. After that, it should be refrigerated and eaten within two days. Leftovers can also be frozen for up to two months.

Now, let’s talk about anecdotal evidence. As I have mentioned above, there have been more than a couple of times when I forgot to put a large pot of sinigang in the fridge, and I was able to eat the sinigang the next day with no problem. As it turns out, my mom and a few other family friends do this regularly as well. Whether they did this by accident or on purpose, the fact is that many people have kept sinigang out of the fridge for more than the recommended amount of time, and the people that consumed them didn’t have adverse effects.

Of course, the longevity of your sinigang depends on a few things. Here are a few tips to make sure that your sinigang doesn’t spoil in a couple of hours:

  • Use clean utensils to handle the sinigang (for example, use a serving spoon to get some soup from the main pot instead of using a spoon that you’ve already used and has saliva on it)
  • Make sure you leave it out in room temperature only if you live in cooler climate and not in sweltering hot weather

If you’re curious about the origin of sinigang, check out this post where I did a deep dive on its history.

How long does sinigang last in the fridge

Have you ever made sinigang and then had leftovers that you wanted to save for later? If so, you may be wondering how long sinigang will last in the fridge. When refrigerated, sinigang can be eaten for the next few days without spoiling. As a general rule, sinigang is good to eat for 3-4 days if kept in the refrigerator.


Sinigang is a delicious Filipino soup made with tamarind, vegetables, and meat. It’s a great meal for any time of year, but it’s especially comforting in the winter. One of the best things about sinigang is that it’s even better the next day. In fact, many people say that sinigang tastes even better when it’s been reheated. If you have leftovers, you can store them in the fridge for up to three days or in the freezer for up to six months. Just be sure to eat them within two days of thawing. And when you’re ready to enjoy your sinigang again, simply reheat it on the stove until it’s hot all the way through. Delicious!

By the way, I wrote a post on the best way to store sinigang here. 

Why would you leave sinigang out in room temperature?

So you might be wondering why in the world anyone will leave sinigang out in room temperature, and truthfully, this is a good question. I would ask the same question.

The truth of the matter is, most of the time, when people leave sinigang out in room temperature, especially overnight, it’s because they left it out by accident.

Another reason why people might leave sinigang out in room temperature is if you are waiting for it to cool down before putting it in the fridge. At the same time, it is more convenient to leave sinigang in room temperature if you have cooked it a few hours in advanced and are just waiting to serve it for dinner time.

How long does sinigang last? Check out this post that talks all about this topic.

When would you leave sinigang out in room temperature

One of the most common times when people would leave sinigang out in room temperature is if you are planning to take it out for a filipino style picnic/potluck.

If you’re planning on enjoying a Sinigang dish at your next picnic, there’s no need to worry about trying to keep it in a cooler as you travel to your destination. As it turns out, sinigang is a great dish to travel with, because it is still good to eat after a few hours out in room temperature.

However, if you want to enjoy your sinigang in the best possible way, make sure you have a way to warm it up once you arrive at your destination. My recommended way to warm up sinigang when in the great outdoors is to bring a portable grill so you can warm it up on a pot over fire.

Best way to store sinigang

If you happen to have sinigang left over from your dinner, it’s best to store it in the fridge. Remember, sinigang is good to stay in the fridge for up to four days.

Storing sinigang in room temperature

If you want to leave sinigang out in room temperature for one reason or another, you can definitely do so for a few hours. My best tips on storing sinigang in room temperature are listed below:

  • Make sure to put a lid on the container you are using so that you don’t accidentally eat a fly or any other insects that might want to taste the sinigang
  • If you want to travel with it (for lunch or for a picnic for example) make sure that you use an airtight lid because it can get messy if you spill the soup

Storing sinigang in the fridge

Sinigang is good in the fridge for up to four days. Here are my best tips to storing sinigang in the fridge

  • Store in an airtight container, or at the very least, in a container with a lid. You don’t want to accidentally drop something in the soup when you open the fridge!
  • Separate out leafy vegetables from the soup to avoid it from getting soggy. Make sure you store both the vegetables and the soup containers together to make it easier to look for both components when you are ready to warm up the soup.

Storing sinigang in the freezer

If you want to save sinigang for a later date, you can store it in the freezer. It is good for approximately two months in the freezer, althoughI definitely recommend not leaving it in the freezer for more than a month. Here are my best tips for storing sinigang in the freezer:

  • Add a label to the container that lists out the name of the dish and the date you froze it so you know exactly how long it’s been in the freezer
  • Take out the vegetables before freezing and put it in a separate container. I prefer taking out the vegetables completely and just adding fresh ones once you are ready to defrost the sinigang
  • When reheating frozen sinigang, be sure to thaw it in the fridge overnight completely before putting it in the pot.

Ever used expired sinigang soup mix? Read this post that talks about whether sinigang soup mix ever expires!

Nicky Mariano

As a millennial living in the Pacific Northwest, Nicky knows that a lot of the knowledge about cooking and preparing Filipino foods are lost to the new generation living abroad. When she moved out of her parents home, it surprised her to realize that she really didn’t know much about how to cook the beloved Filipino dishes she grew up eating and craving. That’s why she created this website, as a way to answer basic questions about Filipino dishes, ingredients, and yes, provide easy recipes too.

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