Sisig: How Long Does This Dish Last In The Fridge?

Sisig, a delicious filipino dish made of pork belly is a fan favorite amongst filipino food enthusiast. It’s so good in fact, that most people would not want to waste any part of this dish. So if you have left overs, you put it in the fridge for the other day, but the question is, how long does sisig last?

Sisig lasts between 2-4 hours in room temperature depending on whether it has egg or mayo. If the sisig has these ingredients, it should be eaten within 2 hours. If not, it can stay out for up to 4 hours. As a general rule, sisig lasts 3 days in the fridge and 3 months in the freezer.

In the following sections I elaborate on how long sisig can last in room temperature, in the fridge and in the freezer

How long can sisig last in room temperature, fridge and freezer

Officially, it is safe to eat sisig with mayonnaise or egg within two hours if kept at room temperature. If it wasn’t made with mayonnaise or egg, it is fine to leave out in room temperature for up to 4 hours and it will still be good to eat.

However, I have asked 3 of my filipino friends if they have had sisig that’s been out in room temperature of up to six hours. I know my personal answer is yes, since I have been to plenty of Filipino pot lucks where sisig is served, been sitting out in room temperature, and people would still eat it after a few hours once they got hungry again.

The result of my quest to find out if sisig is still okay to eat after 6 hours is this: all the friends I asked said yes, they have eating 6 hour old sisig with no harm done. However, I would caution that this is anecdotal evidence, and I would definitely caution against it if you’ve never had sisig or if you have a sensitive stomach.

In the fridge: there’s no debate about it. If kept in the fridge, sisig can last up to 3 days.

In the freezer: if you want to keep your sisig for longer, you can store it in the freezer for up to three months. Just make sure to thaw it completely before reheating.

By the way, if you are curious why egg is added to sisig, read this post.

Best way to store sisig

Whenever I make a fresh batch of sisig, my family and I would devour it right away, so we rarely have the opportunity to save it for the next day. But if you’re lucky enough to have leftover sisig, there are a few things you can do to make sure it stays fresh.

First, if you’re going to keep it in the fridge, be sure to put it in an airtight container. This will help to preserve its freshness and prevent it from drying out. If you’re planning on freezing it, however, you’ll want to wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or foil. This will help to protect it from freezer burn. Don’t forget to label it with the name of the dish and also the date you froze it so you know exactly what you’re eating and if it’s still good to eat once you’re ready to pull it out of the freezer.

And finally, if you want to reheat it, be sure to first of all thaw the sisig in the fridge overnight, and then warm it up slowly on stovetop with a frying pan. I’ve found that this is the best way to enjoy sisig that’s been reheated.

How to refrigerate sisig

To refrigerate your sisig, simply transfer it to any airtight container. Once sealed, the sisig will stay fresh in the fridge for up to four days. When you’re ready to enjoy your sisig, simply reheat it in a pan over medium heat. Be sure to stir the sisig often to prevent it from sticking to the pan and burning. If the sisig wasn’t previously made with egg, you can crack an egg on top when you serve it. You can also drizzle it with lemon. This way it will taste just like freshly made sisig. Enjoy!

How to freeze sisig

Many people who make sisig know how laborious it is to prepare, so it makes sense that many want to create a large batch in order to save some for later. The beauty of sisig is that you can definitely freeze it for later. To do this, simply put the sisig in an airtight container before freezing. I also suggest writing the date when frozen so you can see until when it is good for. When you’re ready to eat it again, thaw the sisig in the refrigerator overnight and then reheat in a pan on the stove. Enjoy!

If you are meal prepping in particular, the following tips will work wonders so that you can enjoy sisig to the fullest when you are ready to eat it:

  • Do not add mayonnaise and egg to the sisig that you are intending to freeze. Once you defrost and reheat the sisig, you can add these if you like eating your sisig with these ingredients.
  • Freeze your sisig in separate containers so that you can defrost each portion separately instead of defrosting a whole batch, taking what you need, and then refreezing again!
  • Always warm up your defrosted sisig on a frying pan over medium heat instead of using the microwave! This honestly makes such a difference. This is also when you can crack an egg on top of the sisig if you wish. Yum!
  • Squeeze some lemon over the sisig and add a fresh piece of cayenne pepper.

How do you defrost a sisig?

If you’re looking to defrost a sisig, the best method is to put it in the fridge overnight. This will help to preserve the quality of the meat and ensure that it’s properly defrosted by the time you’re ready to eat it. Once the sisig is defrosted, you can then warm it up on the stove top. Be sure to add some oil or butter to prevent sticking, and cook until it’s heated through. Enjoy!

How to reheat sisig

If you’re looking for the best way to reheat sisig, then you’ll want to use the stove top. This will help to revitalize the ‘fresh’ taste of the dish. If you’re short on time, however, then the microwave is also an option. Just make sure that the sisig is in a microwavable container and that you put a microwave safe cover over it because it’s known to make a mess in the microwave. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a dry and unappetizing meal.

By the way, if you are curious why mayo is added to sisig, read this post.

Nicky Mariano

As a millennial living in the Pacific Northwest, Nicky knows that a lot of the knowledge about cooking and preparing Filipino foods are lost to the new generation living abroad. When she moved out of her parents home, it surprised her to realize that she really didn’t know much about how to cook the beloved Filipino dishes she grew up eating and craving. That’s why she created this website, as a way to answer basic questions about Filipino dishes, ingredients, and yes, provide easy recipes too.

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