Tortang Talong – How To Store For Longevity

tortang talong

Tortang talong is a staple in many Filipino households because it’s so easy to make and is also healthy for you! However, if you are like my family, and like to cook a large batch so that we can eat it for the next few days, you might be wondering how long it lasts in the fridge.

As a general rule, tortang talong is good to stay in the fridge for 3-5 days. The taste and freshness will decline the longer it stays in the fridge, but warming it up in the microwave or on the stove will make it taste as good as the first day it was cooked.

Ready to learn more? Keep reading.

How long does tortang talong last in the fridge?

Sometimes I will make a large batch of tortang talong, so that I can have it for days that I don’t have time to cook. But how long does tortang talong last? I have created this handy table as a guide:

Tortang Talong Storing MethodLongevityHow to warm up
Room Temperature4 hoursMicrowave or eat as is
Fridge5 daysMicrowave or stovetop
Freezer2 monthsMicrowave or stovetop straight from freezer
How long does tortang talong last in the fridge?

If you store your tortang talong in the fridge, it will last for up to five days. However, it’s best to eat it within two days for the best flavor and quality. If you need to store it for longer than that, you can freeze it. Frozen talong will last for up to two months. When you’re ready to eat it, take it out of the freezer and pop it in the microwave right away or even on the stovetop. I wrote a detailed post here on how to warm up tortang talong. There’s no need to thaw it first, however when you are warming it up on the microwave or stovetop, make sure that it is heated through before serving.

Also, just as a side note: don’t store your tortang talong at room temperature for longer than 4 hours. The warm temperature may cause the egg to spoil and make the dish unsafe to eat. So if you’re not going to eat it right away, be sure to put it in the fridge or freezer.

How long will eggplant keep in refrigerator?

Eggplant will last 3-10 days in the refrigerator, depending on whether it’s cooked or not. Here’s a table to guide you how long you can keep eggplants for:

CookedRoom Temperature4 hours
CookedFridge5 days
CookedFreezer2 months
FreshRoom Temperature3 days
FreshFridge10 days
FreshFreezer0 days*
How long can you store fresh and cooked eggeplant?

Please note that you should not freeze fresh eggplant. Because it has a high water content, the texture of the eggplant will never be the same once frozen. It is best to cook it first before freezing.

Provided you store them correctly, eggplants can last quite a while in the refrigerator. Eggplants are a member of the nightshade family, which also includes tomatoes and potatoes. They are native to the Philippines and have been used in Filipino cuisine for centuries. One of the most famous and easy way of cooking eggplant in Filipino cuisine is cooking it in an omelette. When purchasing eggplants, look for ones that are firm and shiny with smooth skin. Avoid those that have bruises or blemishes. Once you bring them home, store them in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator. Properly stored, they should keep for 7 to 10 days. When you’re ready to use them, simply take them out of the refrigerator and proceed with cooking them.

How to tell if cooked eggplant is bad?

Anyone who has ever tried to cook with eggplant knows that it can be a tricky ingredient. If you don’t know what you’re doing, it can quickly become mushy and unappetizing. But even if you’re a seasoned eggplant cook, there’s always a risk that your eggplant has gone bad. So how can you tell if your cooked eggplant is spoiled? The best way to test is by looking at the color and texture of the flesh. If the eggplant is brown or black, it’s definitely spoiled. If it’s starting to look wrinkled, it’s also probably past its prime. However, cooked eggplant can also change color as it ages, so don’t necessarily throw it out if it’s not as bright purple as it once was. Instead, give it a smell test. If it smells sour or rotting, then it’s time to say goodbye to your eggplant dish.

How to store eggplant long term?

If you find yourself with a surplus of eggplant, you may be wondering how to store it for the long term. The good news is that eggplant is a relatively versatile vegetable, and there are a number of different storage methods that you can use. One option is to pickle your eggplant in vinegar and water. This will give it a tart flavor, but it will also help to extend its shelf life. Another option is to freeze your eggplant. Cut it into slices or chunks, bake in 350 degrees for 15 minutes, cool it down and then store it in freezer bags. Frozen eggplant can be used in soups and stews, or simply thawed and sautéed as a side dish. Finally, you can also dry your eggplant in a food dehydrator. This will result in a chewy texture, but it will also allow you to store your eggplant for months at a time. Whichever method you choose, make sure to label your eggplant with the date so that you know when it was stored.

How to store fried eggplant in refrigerator?

Fried eggplant is a delicious and versatile dish that can be enjoyed with a wide variety of food. If you have leftovers, or if you want to make some ahead of time, it’s easy to store in the refrigerator. First, let the eggplant cool completely. Then, transfer it to an airtight container. For best results, layer the eggplant with paper towels or a clean dish towel to absorb any excess oil. Eggplant can be stored in the fridge for up to five days. When you’re ready to enjoy, simply reheat in the microwave, the oven or in a skillet on the stovetop. Enjoy!

What is tortang talong?

Tortang talong is a Filipino dish made from grilled eggplant that is peeled and then battered and fried. It is usually served with a dipping sauce made from vinegar, soy sauce, and garlic. The dish is thought to have originated during the Spanish colonial period, when eggplant was introduced to the Philippines. Today, it is a common home-cooked meal. While the exact origins of tortang talong are unknown, there are many theories about how the dish came to be. One theory suggests that it is a modification of a Spanish dish called tortilla de patatas, which is made with potatoes instead of eggplant. Another theory claims that it was created by Chinese immigrants who adapted their own cuisine to use local ingredients. Whichever story is true, one thing is certain: tortang talong is a delicious and savory dish that has been enjoyed by Filipinos for generations.

If you’re curious about the origin of tortang talong, check out this post where I did a deep dive on the history of tortang talong.

Should tortang talong be frozen?

If you’re looking to save tortang talong for later, freezing is definitely the way to go. This will help to preserve the eggplant’s flavor and texture, making it just as delicious when you reheat it as it was when it was freshly cooked. Just be sure to wrap the tortang talong individually before placing it in the freezer so that it will be easier to take out and reheat only as much as you need. And if you’re worried about the eggplant losing its crispy coating, don’t be – tortang talong freezes really well. So next time you find yourself with leftovers, don’t hesitate to pop them in the freezer for a quick and easy meal down the road.

Nicky Mariano

As a millennial living in the Pacific Northwest, Nicky knows that a lot of the knowledge about cooking and preparing Filipino foods are lost to the new generation living abroad. When she moved out of her parents home, it surprised her to realize that she really didn’t know much about how to cook the beloved Filipino dishes she grew up eating and craving. That’s why she created this website, as a way to answer basic questions about Filipino dishes, ingredients, and yes, provide easy recipes too.

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