What is Ilocano Food & The 9 Most Popular Ilocano Food

bagoong isda

Ilocano food hails from Ilocos, the northern part of Luzon, Philippines. It might be a surprise to many Filipinos, but many of the food that we love to eat actually originated from the Ilocos region.

Here we will dive into the 9 most popular and famous Ilocano food and other questions you might have about Ilocano cuisine.

Famous Ilocano Food

Ilocano food is famous all over the Philippines for its unique and delicious flavors. From bagnet to empanada, here are some of the most popular Ilocano dishes that you need to try:


Pinakbet is a dish that originated from the Ilocos region of the Philippines. It is typically made with various vegetables, such as eggplant, squash, and okra, which are cooked in a fish or shrimp sauce.

The dish is often served with rice, and it is a popular choice among Ilocanos because of its simple ingredients and flavor.

To make pinakbet, the vegetables are first sauteed in oil until they are slightly softened. Then, the sauce is added to the pan and simmered until it thickens. The vegetables and sauce are then spooned over steamed rice and served immediately. Pinakbet is a delicious and healthy dish that can be enjoyed by everyone.


Dinakdakan is a dish that originates from the Ilocos region of the Philippines. It is made with grilled pig parts – such as the ears, liver, and snout – that are then chopped up and mixed with spices.

The dish is often served with chili peppers and vinegar, giving it a sour and spicy flavor. Ilocanos love this dish because it is both flavorful and filling. In addition, the dish is relatively easy to make, which makes it a popular choice for busy families.

To make dinakdakan, simply grill the pork parts over an open fire until they are cooked through. Then, chop them up into small pieces and mix with the desired spices. Serve with chili peppers and vinegar on the side. Enjoy!


Ilocanos love dinengdeng because it is simple, nutritious, and filling. The dish is made by boiling vegetables in broth and then adding fish or meat. It is typically enjoyed with rice. Dinengdeng is thought to have originated in the Ilocos Region of the Philippines, where it remains a popular dish today. The region is known for its fertile soils and abundant rainfall, which make it ideal for growing vegetables.

For many Ilocanos, dinengdeng is a comfort food that reminds them of home. It is also a popular dish to share with friends and family, as it can be easily scaled up or down to accommodate different group sizes. Whether you’re looking for a quick lunch or a hearty dinner, dinengdeng is sure to please.

If you are curious about the history of dinengdeng, read this post I wrote all about it.


Bagnet is a pork dish that is popular in the Ilocos Region of the Philippines. The dish is made by marinating pork belly in a mixture of garlic, vinegar, and pepper, and then deep-frying it until the skin is crisp.

Bagnet is often served with rice and a dipping sauce made from vinegar, soy sauce, and chili peppers. Ilocanos love this dish because it is both flavorful and hearty. In addition, bagnet is very versatile; it can be served as an appetizer, main course, or even as a side dish.

The dish has its origins in Spanish cuisine, but it has been adapted to suit the Filipino palate. While it may take some time to prepare, bagnet is definitely worth the effort.


Okoy is a popular Filipino dish that is made of shrimp and vegetables. The dish originated in the province of Ilocos, and it is now enjoyed by people all over the Philippines.

Ilocanos love this dish because it is healthy and hearty. Okoy is usually made with fresh shrimp, cabbage, and carrots. The shrimp are first boiled, then sauteed with garlic, onion, and ginger. The vegetables are then added to the pan, and the whole mixture is cooked until the shrimp are tender and the vegetables are crispy.

Okoy can be served with rice or noodles, and it is often garnished with green onions and fried garlic.

Poqui Poqui

Poqui poqui is a dish that originates from the Philippines. It is a popular dish among ilocanos because it is both delicious and easy to make. The dish is made by grilling eggplants, mashing it, mixing them with diced tomatoes, onions, and garlic and then frying it with beaten eggs. Pepper is added to taste. The mixture is then fried in oil until it is golden brown. Poqui poqui is typically served with rice. It can also be served with bread or crackers.


If you’re ever in the Philippines and find yourself in the northern region of Ilocos, be sure to try the local specialty dish known as dudol. This dish is made from glutinous rice – also called sticky rice – which is cooked in coconut milk and then wrapped in banana leaves. The resulting parcel is steamed, resulting in a sweet and chewy dish that is absolutely delicious. Dudol is often served as a dessert, but it can also be eaten as a snack or even breakfast.

Dudol originates from the Ilocano people, who are known for their love of sweets. However, what sets dudol apart from other sweet dishes is its unique texture. The glutinous rice provides a chewy contrast to the softness of the banana leaves, making for a truly unique dining experience.

To make dudol, glutinous rice is first soaked in water for several hours. Once it has absorbed enough water, it is cooked in coconut milk until it is soft but not mushy. Banana leaves are then used to wrap the rice, and the parcels are steamed until they are cooked through. Once they are ready, they can be served immediately or stored in the fridge for later. When you’re ready to eat them, simply unwrap the banana leaves and enjoy!

Batac empanadas

Batac empanadas are a traditional dish from the Ilocos region of the Philippines. They are made with a filling of meat, vegetables, and spices, wrapped in a pastry shell and deep-fried. Ilocanos love this dish because it is hearty and flavorful. The filling is usually made with ground beef or pork. The vegetables often include potatoes, carrots, and peas. The spices give the empanadas their distinctive flavor and can include garlic, onion, cumin, and chili pepper. The empanadas are usually served with a dipping sauce made with vinegar, garlic, and chili pepper.


The pinapaitan dish from Ilocos is a traditional soup that is beloved by Ilocanos. The soup is made with beef or goat, and the broth is flavored with bile and vinegar. The dish is believed to originate from the province of Ilocos Norte, and it is often served during special occasions. The soup is considered to be a souvenir dish, and it is often given as a gift to visitors. The pinapaitan dish is typically made by boiling the beef or goat in water until it is tender. Then, the bile and vinegar are added to the broth, and the soup is simmered for a few hours. Finally, the soup is garnished with vegetables and served hot.

What are the two most loved Ilocano dishes?

The two most loved Ilocano dishes are: dinengdeng and pinakbet. In a survey I recently conducted, the highest rated Ilocanos dishes that Ilocanos love are dinengdeng and pinakbet.

I asked in a Filipino food group I belong in what their favorite Ilocano food is, and I tabulated the answers and put it in an easy to read chart below:

Survey Results: What is your favorite Ilocano food?

What surprised me is that in asking what people’s favorite Ilocano food is, I got a large variety of answers. In retrospect, I should have given specific foods to choose and then and ‘other’ bucket instead of leaving it as an open forum. However, in doing it this way, I was able to see other Ilocano foods that people love to eat that aren’t necessary as popular as others.

So anyway, based on the chart above, you can see that out of 51 people who responded, 12 people love pinakbet and 7 love dinengdeng.

Of course, this isn’t representative of all Filipinos, or even Ilocanos because of the small sample size, but this goes to show that even with a small sample size, a lot of Ilocanos gravitate to either dinengdeng and pinakbet.

Confused about the difference between dinengdeng and pinakbet? I lay out the similarities and differences in this post.

What makes Ilocano cuisine unique?

Ilocano cuisine is unique for its simplicity and the use of a variety of vegetables. Ilocanos prefer to cook their food in simple ways, such as by boiling or steaming, so that the natural flavors of the ingredients are preserved. They also make use of a wide range of vegetables, many of which grow in abundance in their local areas, in their dishes. This gives Ilocano cuisine a healthy and balanced flavor that is both hearty and refreshing. In addition, Ilocanos are known for their use of vinegar and bagoong (fermented shrimp paste), which add a tart and salty dimension to many dishes. Overall, the combination of simplicity, freshness, and flavor makes Ilocano cuisine a truly unique culinary experience.

Below I have listed the most common vegetables used in Ilocano dishes:

  • Utong beans are a type of white bean that is popular in Ilocano cuisine. The beans are typically boiled until they are soft, and then they are mashed into a paste. This paste is then used as a filling for empanadas, or it can be mixed with other ingredients to create a variety of dishes. Some of the most popular utong bean dishes include utong nilaga (bean soup), utong pusit (squid with beans), and utong kaldereta (goat stew with beans)
  • Squash is a type of vegetable that is often used in Ilocano cuisine. It has a slightly sweet and earthy flavor, and it is a versatile ingredient that can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. Squash can be boiled, steamed, or baked, and it is a healthy and nutritious addition to any meal. Some popular squash dishes from Ilocano cuisine include pinakbet, binignit, and sinigang.
  • Snake gourd is a type of vegetable that is often used in Ilocano cuisine. It has a slightly sweet and earthy flavor, and it is a versatile ingredient that can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. Snake gourd can be boiled, steamed, or baked, and it is a healthy and nutritious addition to any meal. Some popular snake gourd dishes from Ilocano cuisine include pinakbet, binignit, and sinigang.
  • Squash flower – Ilocano cuisine features a wide variety of dishes, many of which include traditional vegetables like squash and snake gourd. However, one unique vegetable that is often used in Ilocano cooking is the squash flower.The squash flower is the blossom of the squash plant, and it is edible. The flowers have a slightly sweet and floral flavor, and they can be cooked in a variety of ways. Some popular dishes that include squash flowers are pinakbet and binignit. So if you’re looking to try something new and explore the exciting world of Ilocano cuisine, be sure to give the squash flower a try!
  • Patani is a type of bean that is popular in Ilocano cuisine. The beans are small and green, and they have a slightly sweet flavor. Patani beans are typically boiled until they are soft, and then they are mashed into a paste. This paste is then used as a filling for empanadas, or it can be mixed with other ingredients to create a variety of dishes
  • Malunggay pods are the seed pods of the moringa tree, and they are a common ingredient in Ilocano cuisine. The pods have a slightly sweet and nutty flavor, and they can be cooked in a variety of ways. Some popular dishes that include malunggay pods are pinakbet, binignit, and sinigang
  • Bitter melon is a type of vegetable that is often used in Ilocano cuisine. It has a slightly bitter and sour flavor, and it is a versatile ingredient that can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. Bitter melon can be boiled, steamed, or fried, and it is a healthy and nutritious addition to any meal. Some popular bitter melon dishes from Ilocano cuisine include pinakbet, binignit, and sinigang.
  • Winged beans are a type of legume that is popular in Ilocano cuisine. The beans are small and green, and they have a slightly sweet flavor.
  • Eggplant is a type of nightshade vegetable that is often used in Ilocano cuisine. It has a slightly bitter and earthy flavor, and it is a versatile ingredient that can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. Eggplant can be boiled, steamed, or baked, and it is a healthy and nutritious addition to any meal. Some popular eggplant dishes from Ilocano cuisine include pinakbet, binignit, and sinigang.

Weird Ilocano food names

Ilocanos have a unique sense of humor, and we are often found making fun of our own language, especially when the name of our favorite dishes have vulgar meanings in tagalog. Some of these dishes include:


Binulbol is a type of porridge that is popular in Ilocano cuisine. The porridge is made from pangasinan, and it has a slightly sweet and earthy flavor. Binulbol is typically served with a side of grilled meat or fish, and it is a healthy and hearty meal that will satisfy your hunger.


Kabatiti (Patola in Tagalog or sponge gourd in English) is a type of vegetable that is often used in Ilocano cuisine. It has a slightly sweet flavor, and it is a versatile ingredient that can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. Some popular dishes that use kabatiti are: miswa soup, and ginisa.


Utong is a type of vegetable that is often used in Ilocano cuisine. It has a slightly sweet and creamy flavor, and it is a versatile ingredient that can be used in savory dishes. Utong is usually boiled with pork or beef bones and produces a creamy soup, much like munggo. Personally, this is my absolute favorite thing to eat when I am craving a creamy soup like munngo.


Pokpoklo is a type of seaweed that is popular in Ilocano cuisine. The seaweed has a slightly salty, and has a slimy texture. It has little balls that you can pop in your mouth to release a salty juice that honestly tastes like the ocean. Pokpoklo is usually boiled and made into a salad with tomatoes and onions and is a good side dish to eat during lunch or dinner.

Poqui Poqui

Poqui poqui is a type of omelette that is popular in Ilocano cuisine. The omelette is made from eggplant, and it has a slightly sweet flavor. Poqui poqui is typically served with a side of grilled meat or fish, and it is a healthy and hearty meal that will satisfy your hunger.

By the way, if you are looking for healthy filipino food options, this post has a list of some tasty filipino foods that are also healthy.

Nicky Mariano

As a millennial living in the Pacific Northwest, Nicky knows that a lot of the knowledge about cooking and preparing Filipino foods are lost to the new generation living abroad. When she moved out of her parents home, it surprised her to realize that she really didn’t know much about how to cook the beloved Filipino dishes she grew up eating and craving. That’s why she created this website, as a way to answer basic questions about Filipino dishes, ingredients, and yes, provide easy recipes too.

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